Prices and plans

We offer our products at an attractive price. The advertised prices are a one-time payment for 1 year / 3 months. There are no automatic follow-up costs after expiry.

Still not sure wheather RPdb can help you? After registration, every user automatically receives a 14-day trial version in which all functions can be tested. You can then decide wheather to purchase a license.


4.00€ / Quarter
12€ / Year

Number of simultaneous objects

500 Entries
30 Attributes
50 Access token
5 WebSocket connections


20,000 API request per month
500 characters per entry


10.00€ / Quarter
30€ / Year

Number of simultaneous objects

1,000 Entries
100 Attributes
200 Access token
10 WebSocket connections


100,000 API request per month
2,000 characters per entry